Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Master of Teaching
Question: How does separation in the homeroom lead to expanded understudy request and improve learning, however my activity plan can be comparable simply need to make a huge difference must be tied in with improving understudies education in math study hall, rework the principle pints ought to be fine, dont need to think of new activity plan. Answer: Driving Question: How may I increment education center in arithmetic homeroom? 2) How may I study this? Wellsprings of Information: 1. The broad examination dependent on the theme is required to discover appropriate methodologies, strategies and techniques. It is useful in finding the aids required to build the questions identified with the examination and spontaneous creation of the study hall learning. 2. Understanding the necessities of focusing towards the class 3. Identifying with the current exploration, the execution of the various strategies is should have been distinguished 4. Accepting criticisms through dispersing surveys and deciding the necessary corrections 5. The developmental appraisals are required to comprehend the accomplishment of the chose methodology 6. The discoveries will assist me with understanding possibly I will proceed with the comparable procedure or I will make a portion of the fundamental alterations identified with the applied techniques. 7. The procedure will manage me to comprehend the specific separations identified with the requirements of the understudies. All the more explicitly, it expands the inquiries of the understudies identified with arithmetic through which the learning capacities are improved impressively. Distinguish proof to assemble (incorporate how to accumulate and examine): Perception: The procedure is useful enough in distinguishing and examining the pertinent strategy that the educators ordinarily use for showing the homeroom understudies. These procedures are very useful for drawing in my reactions towards the arithmetic classes (Pritchard, 2013). Then again, I have seen the separations in various kinds of educating styles. Some different understudies are seen a lot of mindful on those strategies. Henceforth, I can incite that the diverse encouraging styles are should have been perceived the continuous reactions got from the understudies. Distinctive personnel of educators generally apply the broadened strategies by indentifying the applicable procedure of pulling in the understudies consideration (Fraser, 2015). Various understudies need various kinds of the learning style. The acknowledgment of these techniques is in this way essential. According to my points of view, I think the perception of the understudies demeanor in the class is important to distinguish the degree of support. Watching the examples of their works helps in understanding the foundation information on the understudies just as their conduct qualities. It is even useful in knowing which of the learning style is appropriate for the various sorts of understudies to make them much mindful. The meeting hushes up significant procedure to comprehend the level, learning capacities, needs, and learning styles of the understudies (Hopkins, 2014). Acknowledgment of the voice balance is likewise much important to pass judgment on the conduct of the understudies. The understudies even need to become familiar with the productive procedures of learning maths that will make them increasingly mindful towards the class. Through the perception of the differentiated strategies that have been applied to the study hall, I can comprehend which of the system is most appropriate. Consequently, likewise, I can apply the comparative procedure for the further ramifications. The examination is additionally valuable in understanding the requirements of the understudies. The criticisms dependent on the perceptions of my learning styles would be valuable for me to choose if I should proceed with the comparable procedure or roll out certain improvements. Also, it will be productive for me to ensure on the off chance that I have to get the further confirmations identified with the procedure of my learning. The recognizable proof of the separations has been useful for the understudy to find out about the significant technique applied to the homeroom learning procedure and it helps in extemporizing the learning procedure of the understudies. References Fraser, B. (2015). Study hall learning situations. InEncyclopedia of Science Education(pp. 154-157). Springer Netherlands. Hopkins, D. (2014).A educator's manual for homeroom research. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Pritchard, A. (2013).Ways of getting the hang of: Learning speculations and learning styles in the homeroom. Routledge.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Gap Goes Public on Social Responsibility free essay sample
Should Gap freely report its social duty brings about detail, regardless of whether each goal hasn’t been totally accomplished? I trust Gap ought to freely report its social obligation brings about detail since this gives significant data to the partners, for example, what they need to change and when they are going to change. The when is essential since Gap must have the option to set reasonable objectives that progresses in the direction of the social obligations. I would recommend Gap for announcing it openly on the grounds that nobody else in the business is focusing on changing their networks, and this is acceptable PR for Gap. Regardless of whether all the objectives are not accomplished, individuals are as yet ready to see that things have improved from an earlier time. 2. Do you think Gap’s transformation of social obligation arrangements without hesitation is in stage 1, stage 2, or stage 3? Clarify. I trust Gap is in Phase 3 on the grounds that the officials have plot what they need to do with the corporate social obligations, and the staff has recognized the specialized part of changing the scene of solid workforce in remote nations. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hole Goes Public on Social Responsibility or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The article expresses that in 2003 alone, Gap prevented purchasing from 136 abroad processing plants that over and again abused its guidelines. This uncommon change has helped Gap’s picture of utilizing â€Å"sweatshops and children†and on this change Gap has progressed in the direction of bettering the network by giving $60 million to not-for-profit gatherings, reusing 20,000 tons of cardboard and paper, and offer workers the chance to chip in. 3. Is Gap’s way to deal with social duty dependent on commitment, obligation, or responsiveness? Bolster your answer. I accept that the underlying methodology for Gap was responsiveness in light of the fact that the organization was getting a great deal of warmth from the media and pundits for utilizing sweatshops that utilized youngsters and treated their specialist unjustifiably. It is difficult to state that without this voice of concern Gap would change their way of life, in any case, it has unquestionably accelerated the procedure. Hole has additionally become a worldwide brand, and to save their status, they should be receptive to whatever issues they may need to confront.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika!
Our mother shoulda just named you Laika! Here is something that always makes me laugh: My sister (a Harvard student) and I actually bought these on separate occasions, and I think I had intended to give mine to another relative but forgot to, and so they sit together on my moms desk at work. Obviously it proves that her youngest daughters love her oldest daughters love, but we dont really like to talk about it. (I am, of course, kidding. My sister and I love my parents equally, despite appearances, i.e. that one time my sister wrote my mom a poem for Mothers Day and I only made a phone call. She definitely won that day er, I meant to say that you, too, will soon be able to buy embarassingly large-sized teddy bears for your parents that make comical statements. Arent you thrilled?) I had actually planned on deleting this dud of a post because I had left it unpublished for a month with nothing to write about, but then Sam wrote me an angry email demanding I finish this post in which he addressed me as kamber, and I knew that I had to finish it. Its like when your mom calls you by your first, middle, and last name, except my mom never does that (she just makes kind of a harsh coughing noise) and kamber is really just a weird nickname my friends made up. Its also apparently a term having to do with Course 16, although I think thats spelled camber. Can you tell Im trying to put off getting to the point of this entry? Anyway, some time before finals I went to see The Arcade Fire perform at the Orpheum in Boston, which was one of the most life-changing experiences Ive ever been through, for reals. Maybe it was because the Orpheum has arranged seating and as such I was stuck next to a man with the least accurate sense of rhythm EVER (and as such, insisted upon clapping to every song and never quite recognized when to stop), or maybe it was because they played one of my (and apparently, Spams) favorite songs, Neighborhood #2 (Laika). I had to look up Laika on Wikipedia because I wasnt even a fetus in 1957, when Laika the Russian space dog was sent up into space as the first living thing to go into orbit, away from all of Laikas friends and family to learn new things and see new places. (It would probably be appropriate if I was listening to the song right now, but Im actually bouncing along to Muse and freaking out the guy on the computer next to me he keeps looking over at me, as if me tapping my toes indicates that Im going to drool all over him any second now.)(Im at the Apple Store. They probably didnt intend all this free wifi to be used by someone whos already a Mac user to blog, while listening to her already-purchased iPod, but I mean, the guy on my right is using MySpace, and Im pretty sure MySpace users* are lower than bloggers on the ladder of internet scum, so, whatever.) My point is that soon, youll be going off into the world, much like Laika the Russian space dog. HOW EXCITING! There are a lot of things you need to do before youre prepared to take off (see the analogy between you and the space dog?? TAKE OFF??). The thing is, though, no matter how you vow to reinvent yourself, you will still be yourself at the end of the day. If youve never taken physics before, you will have a difficult time with 8.01. You might fail a class when youve never gotten below an A or a B in your life. And though I know nothing I can say will convince you of it, thats fine it happens at MIT. Thats why we have all those upperclassmen who struggled through those same classes you just need to ask for help. Thats why we have pass/no record. The space dog analogy continues to apply elsewhere as well. Once you leave home, no matter how many times your mom yells at you to pick up your clothes, youll still probably pile up everything youve worn for the past week at the foot of your bed, especially when you have tough weeks. Even if your mom calls you to yell at you over the phone! Even if you tell yourself youll eat healthy and exercise, if you dont do it on your own now, you probably wont in college. Youll probably get lazy and gain some weight. Or you might forget to eat, just like you forget to cut your toenails. When you leave home, a lot of things change, and some things you want to be second nature dont fully come together. It happens. Another reason why I decided to give up on this post is because I knew these words of advice would have no weight on you now. I know for a fact if I had read this a year ago, I wouldve gone WHATEVER, FUTURE ME. I AM TOTALLY GOING TO TELL EVERYONE THAT IM A CHAMPION UNICYCLER, AND ILL PROBABLY HAVE REALLY GOOD EATING HABITS AND BE EVERYBODYS FRIEND. IM DEFINITELY STARTING A BAND, AND ILL GET AS IN EVERYTHING, FA SHO. But then I got there, and there were actually real champion unicyclers who played rhythm guitar like something crazy. And I forgot to wash my sheets sometimes, and occasionally I went to sleep with the window open and my hair wet and I froze to the pillow. Future Me who is actually Current Me is okay with this. Basically, run wild with your dreams. But not like, overnight wild. Youre still you, at the end of the day. You still have weaknesses, even if theyre small potatoes like cleaning up after yourself, or remembering to sleep, or kryptonite. And the people you meet who won the National Geography Bee and have already been first author on a paper in a major science publication? They have weaknesses too. Regardless of where you come from, though, theres a lot college has to teach you calculus lessons, life lessons, or otherwise and the best thing you can do is to let it. (Do you kinda see why I didnt really want to finish this post? Im embarassed. I not only admitted to forgetting to wash my sheets, I also wrote something mostly unrelated considering Laika died in orbit due to overheating to a great song. I tried anyway, though.) You can, however, take this completely unrelated and yet totally AMAZING new skill with you off to college, and maybe all the time youve saved from tying your shoes in a flash will leave you more time to remember basic stuff like personal hygiene. *(I was actually talking about MySpace at work the other day, and I was like, Who uses MYSPACE anymore?? and Tim of Two Cubicles Down was like, Uh I do, and then rode away on his scooter, because that is what we do at Pixar.)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams - 1540 Words
It is easy to read through â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†by Tennessee Williams and quickly dismiss it has a play of a nagging mother, disheartened son, and socially incapable, whimsical sister. The three seem completely caught up in their own narrow mindedness they are blind to the reality around them. While these may all be true, the characters exhibit far more complications than the surface analysis proves. In Tennessee Williams play, the characters are full of complexities and contradictions. One of the protagonists, Tom Wingfield, wars with himself for a life unlike the one he has now. Eventually, he sets forth to plot a way to abandon his family and obligations to retrieve his own ambitions. In doing this, Tom repeats history and his mother†¦show more content†¦Tom does nothing of the sorts to deny the accusation. Further on, Tom and Amanda reconvene their aggression towards one another in a heated argument where Tom declares, in chunks of being interrupted,  "What in Christ’s name am I supposed to do! Look- I’ve got no thing, no single thing, in my life here that I can call my own†(III). This matter shows Tom’s desire to feel important, and even needed, by his family, and how his career gives him the sense of slavery. He points out to Amanda that he pays for their home by shouting, â€Å"who pays rent on it, who makes himself a slave to -†(III) before being cut off by her and storming away once more. Tom Wingfield’s displeasure at home and with his career brings him to plot a way to move. The audience is given the first step in his maneuvers when he confesses to Jim, the gentlemen caller Tom brought home for Laura, his lust for adventure. In a frenzy of in-the-moment excitement Tom spills to Jim, â€Å"I’m planning to change. I am at the point of committing myself to a future that doesn’t include the warehouse and Mr. Mendoza or even a night-school course in public speaking†(VI). Jim is an attentive listener, providing no advice other than suggesting Tom will regret his actions of not paying the bills after Tom boldly confides, â€Å"I am starting to boil inside. I know I seem dreamy, but inside-well, I’m boiling†(VI)! This is when the audience gains an insight to Tom reaching his limit. At thisShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams985 Words  | 4 Pageshardly catch it going. ¨ This quote by the author of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, describes both The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, and the life of Tennessee Williams himself, for whom memories played a large role in his life. Within the play, many parallels can be drawn between the life of Williams and the life of Tom, the main character, such as a disdain for factory work. In addition, several characters in The Glass Menagerie have a difficult time fitting into the roles that theirRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay940 Words à ‚ | 4 PagesTennessee Williams was a renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning playwriter for his numerous plays throughout his career. One of such plays is The Glass Menagerie. After perfecting his play for many years, The Glass Menagerie was first introduced to Broadway on March 31, 1945. As a young writer, Williams lived vicariously through his plays. Throughout this play in particular, there are several allegories that pertain to Williams life. Although Williams had a relatively happy childhood, his life changedRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams986 Words  | 4 PagesTennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, is a classic drama about a young man who is tired of his dull and boring existence. Tom, the main character, struggles to deal with his family, who is apparently holding him back in life. With the use of powerful writing techniques, Williams is able to captivate his audience and create a play that has stood the test of time. An excellent writing technique employed by Williams that contributes to The Glass Menagerie’s success is his use of plot. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams932 Words  | 4 Pages THE GLASS MENAGERIE Name Instructor Institution Course Date The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams, the author in the play †The Glass Menagerie†that is based on his life that presents characters that, as caught animals in an cage, live in woeful states and just wish to unravel themselves from this state (Fisher, 2010). The primary clash in the story emerges through their longing to encounter a different world, but their condition opens them to life s unforgiving realities. LifeRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1249 Words  | 5 Pagesthe outside world The Glass Menagerie is very interesting because William s play relates to alot of people and their situations, people can learn alot from it alot whether they connect to Amanda and her past or to Laura and her lack of confidence and being in a world of her own or to Tom and his internal conflict about abandoning his family or staying with them. Laura s life is all about her glass menageries what happens when her glass unicorn breaks? What happens when a gentlemanRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1619 Words  | 7 PagesIsolation is prevalent in â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†by Tennessee Williams. This is presented in symbols such as blue roses and the glass unicorn, for they are imagined objects and only existent in another fantasy world. Williams incorporates such arcane symbols to draw out his characters, Amanda, Laura, and Tom, and how they cope with confinement. Most importantly, the symbols of the play represent how isolation debilita tes them psychologically in an attempt to connect with reality. The jonquils representRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee William1014 Words  | 5 PagesIn the play â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†of Tennessee William, he wrote a drama play to emphasize readers about the life is at a standstill the Wingfield family. Through of the Wingfield family, he uses many symbols which represent many things, but the important main symbolization is fire escape that shows three main characters; Tom Wingfield, his fire escape is the way out of Amanda and Laura. Amanda Wingfield, hope gentlemen callers to enter their lives, and Laura Wingfield, who wants in her own worldRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1534 Words  | 7 PagesThe Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams, born Thomas Lanier Williams, wrote The Glass Menagerie, a play which premiered in Chicago in 1944. This award winning play, autobiographical in nature, represented a time in which Williams felt the obligation of his responsibilities in regards to the care of his family. Robert DiYanni, Adjunct Professor of Humanities at New York University, rated it as, â€Å"One of his best-loved plays...a portrayal of loneliness among characters who confuseRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay876 Words  | 4 PagesIn Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, there is a collection of glass animal figurines that belong to Laura. Laura uses those figurines to escape her reality. The â€Å"glass menagerie†is also a metaphor because all of the characters have a metaphorical glass menagerie that they use to escape their reality. Tom escapes his reality by going to the movies, drinking, and writing poetry. Tom says, â€Å"I go to the movies because – I like adventure†¦ something I don’t have much of at work†(Williams 33)Read MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams867 Words  | 4 Pagesdraw the line between getting what you want and doing what you are obligated to do? In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the main characters are torn between fulfilling their desires and aligning with their role in society. On the surface, Amanda Wingfield plays the role of a caring mother that would do anything in her children’s best interest. However, according to the play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†, you should never be fooled by the â€Å"Illusion of the truth.†She indeed values her children’s The Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams - 1540 Words The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams is a drama that involves four main characters; Amanda, Tom, Laura, and Jim. Amanda is the mother and Tom and Laura are her two children. Their father left them years ago, leaving them responsible for the things he once took care of. When the father was still living there, he was the breadwinner of the family and provided for their needs. It seems that ever since he has been gone, they have not transitioned into their life without him, emotionally as well as financially. Their interactions with one another clearly display the scars left due to their father s departure. Amanda and Laura have a constant communication about Laura not having any â€Å"gentleman callers†throughout her life. The main concern about this situation stems from Amanda and less from Laura. Amanda often talks to Laura about her personal memories when she herself had many men pursuing her. Amanda talks to Laura in a belittling manner and often makes Laura feel ins ecure about her shy and introverted personality, which is vastly different from her boisterous mother. Amanda and her other child, Tom, clearly have a dysfunctional relationship as well, but in a different way. Multiple times within the drama, they argue with one another intensely. These arguments often leave Tom so frustrated with his mother that he storms out of the house. The ending of the drama actually involves this exact situation, Tom leaving the house and eventually not coming back. The theme thatShow MoreRelatedThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams985 Words  | 4 Pageshardly catch it going. ¨ This quote by the author of The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee Williams, describes both The Glass Menagerie, a memory play, and the life of Tennessee Williams himself, for whom memories played a large role in his life. Within the play, many parallels can be drawn between the life of Williams and the life of Tom, the main character, such as a disdain for factory work. In addition , several characters in The Glass Menagerie have a difficult time fitting into the roles that theirRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay940 Words  | 4 PagesTennessee Williams was a renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning playwriter for his numerous plays throughout his career. One of such plays is The Glass Menagerie. After perfecting his play for many years, The Glass Menagerie was first introduced to Broadway on March 31, 1945. As a young writer, Williams lived vicariously through his plays. Throughout this play in particular, there are several allegories that pertain to Williams life. Although Williams had a relatively happy childhood, his life changedRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams986 Words  | 4 PagesTennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, is a classic drama about a young man who is tired of his dull and boring existence. Tom, the main character, struggles to deal with his family, who is apparently holding him back in life. Wit h the use of powerful writing techniques, Williams is able to captivate his audience and create a play that has stood the test of time. An excellent writing technique employed by Williams that contributes to The Glass Menagerie’s success is his use of plot. ThroughoutRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams932 Words  | 4 Pages THE GLASS MENAGERIE Name Instructor Institution Course Date The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams, the author in the play †The Glass Menagerie†that is based on his life that presents characters that, as caught animals in an cage, live in woeful states and just wish to unravel themselves from this state (Fisher, 2010). The primary clash in the story emerges through their longing to encounter a different world, but their condition opens them to life s unforgiving realities. LifeRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1249 Words  | 5 Pagesthe outside world The Glass Menagerie is very interesting because William s play relates to alot of people and their situations, people can learn alot from it alot whether they connect to Amanda and her past or to Laura and her lack of confidence and being in a world of her own or to Tom and his internal conflict about abandoning his family or staying with them. Laura s life is all about her glass menageries what happens when her glass unicorn breaks? What happens when a gentlemanRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1619 Words  | 7 PagesIsolation is prevalent in â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†by Tennessee Williams. This is presented in symbols such as blue roses and the glass unicorn, for they are imagined objects and only existent in another fantasy world. Williams incorporates such arcane symbols to draw out his characters, Amanda, Laura, and Tom, and how they cope with confinement. Most importantly, the symbols of the play represent how isolation debilita tes them psychologically in an attempt to connect with reality. The jonquils representRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee William1014 Words  | 5 PagesIn the play â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†of Tennessee William, he wrote a drama play to emphasize readers about the life is at a standstill the Wingfield family. Through of the Wingfield family, he uses many symbols which represent many things, but the important main symbolization is fire escape that shows three main characters; Tom Wingfield, his fire escape is the way out of Amanda and Laura. Amanda Wingfield, hope gentlemen callers to enter their lives, and Laura Wingfield, who wants in her own worldRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams1534 Words  | 7 PagesThe Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams Tennessee Williams, born Thomas Lanier Williams, wrote The Glass Menagerie, a play which premiered in Chicago in 1944. This award winning play, autobiographical in nature, represented a time in which Williams felt the obligation of his responsibilities in regards to the care of his family. Robert DiYanni, Adjunct Professor of Humanities at New York University, rated it as, â€Å"One of his best-loved plays...a portrayal of loneliness among characters who confuseRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams Essay876 Words  | 4 PagesIn Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, there is a collection of glass animal figurines that belong to Laura. Laura uses those figurines to escape her reality. The â€Å"glass menagerie†is also a metaphor because all of the characters have a metaphorical glass menagerie that they use to escape their reality. Tom escapes his reality by going to the movies, drinking, and writing poetry. Tom says, â€Å"I go to the movies because – I like adventure†¦ something I don’t have much of at work†(Williams 33)Read MoreThe Glass Menagerie By Tennessee Williams867 Words  | 4 Pagesdraw the line between getting what you want and doing what you are obligated to do? In The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, the main characters are torn between fulfilling their desires and aligning with their role in society. On the surface, Amanda Wingfield plays the role of a caring mother that would do anything in her children’s best interest. However, according to the play, â€Å"The Glass Menagerie†, you should never be fooled by the â€Å"Illusion of the truth.†She indeed values her children’s
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Fathers Enduring Love Free Essays
The people that get to know us best, from our virtues to flaws, are our parents. They sacrifice many luxuries in order to give their children the best life possible. My father has had a huge impact on my life and it is because of him that I am the person I am today. We will write a custom essay sample on My Fathers Enduring Love or any similar topic only for you Order Now A lot of people say that I am a lot like my dad, because we both have the same personality and thinking process. From observing my dad’s behavior and listening to his lectures over the years, he has definitely had a great influence in my life choices overall. My father, went through so much in his life to get to where he is today. My dad is a strong confident man who left his hometown in California when he was eighteen years old and moved to Texas alone. He didn’t know anyone, had little money in his pocket and worked in the most demeaning jobs, some I would never even imagine working in myself. Nonetheless, he had no other choice. With so many obstacles in his way he never stopped looking at the bright side of his journey with ambition as his only friend and motivator towards a better and more successful life. On April 5th 1990, The day I opened my eyes to the world and the day my father started giving me unconditional love. My father was and always will be my number one idol. His journey as a teenager made me realize how easy mine is compared to his. I am so grateful to have him. The things he taught me have influenced my life in different ways. For example, I learned to always be honest and tell the truth no matter what happens, to never try to be someone whom I’m not and to respect people no matter what. All these examples along with other things that he has taught me during my life helped me to start working towards my goal and to achieve it. As he has always told me and continues to tell me, ‘Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it’. He proved that to me. My father always placed his family as his number one priority. Since the day he and my mother got married twenty five years ago, he has been working nonstop, seven days a week at times. So he could guarantee a better future for his wife and children, which he did. My dad has a very special place in my life and always will not just because he is my dad, but because he is a special and strong person in my eyes. Dad has always told me no matter what happens to you in life pick yourself up and keep going strong as you were. So even though my dad has chronic Arthritis in his hands and feet, he still worked hard until the point of retiring. I admire and respect my father for everything he does and has done. I work hard at everything I do for the greatest reward of all. Knowing that my accomplishments are making my father proud. To conclude, I could not have asked for a better father. My dad has always been there for me, and I will always be there for him. I respect and admire my father because he has earned it. I believe my father is the best at everything he does. He has been through so much in his life and still is a happy wonderful man. He never looks behind he always looks at the bright side in every problem, he always says the past is the past â€Å"Always remember it but do not dwell on it†you should dwell on the future that is the important thing. How to cite My Fathers Enduring Love, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Business Plan Models for Sustainable Innovation
Question: Describe about the Business Plan for Models for Sustainable Innovation. Answer: Vision and Mission Statement The first one refers to a dream or a goal that the company aspires to achieve. On the other hand, the mission statement describes the indented strategy and business philosophy for making the companys vision to be real (Dermol, 2012. P.329.) Elcoms statement is leaders in enterprise web content management which distinguishes us from all other firms and conveys all efforts applied by the business to achieve its goals and it provides a strategic direction for the enterprise. Moreover, it enables employees to know and focus on the primary objectives of the organization. Company Overview Elcom began in 1996 where it dealt with the Australian Taxation offices e-tax online platform before it changed to start providing web content management and intranet software. Product or Service Plan The company provides web services which include the provision of administrative tools which allow users to create and manage efficiently contents in the worldwide website. It provides intranet services as well which is a small area private network mostly installed in an organization for the staff to use. These services are influenced by some factors which are listed below Factors affecting Elcoms services External Factors Ramakrishnan, Jones, and Sidorova (2012. P. 490) refers them as elements which originate from the external business environment but have an effect towards the companys production activities and in most times they are beyond the business control. They include changes in technology, economy, demography, political, and legal activities. Technological changes: Improvement in technology improves production of services. For example, the release Version 9.5 of elcomCMS by the company in 2014, has led to accuracy, reliability, easy accessibility and simplicity use of its software (Boons, and Ldeke-Freund, 2013. P.12.) Economic changes: They result to fluctuation of prices in the economy due to changes in interest rates, appreciation, and devaluation of currency. The increase in prices lowers the revenue generated by Elcom because the consumers tend to purchase fewer services to save their incomes to buy other products. Demography changes: Refer to factors which illustrate the changing structure of human populations in a given area. The people in Sydney is said to be more multicultural due to immigrants who raise the demand for Elcoms services. Although the firm may lack employees due to a rapidly aging population who have lower production capabilities (Betts, 2014. P. 16) Political-legal activities: The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) provides rules, policies and regulations regarding contract terms, and rights of the consumer guarantees. Furthermore, there are penalties, registration and the licensing fee which may limit operations of the Elcom Company. Changes in Australias political leadership may form a government which might change the existing policies such as the introduction of product liability regulation law. Internal Factors They result from the immediate business environment. The major factor affecting Elcom Technology Company includes stiff competition from Webcoda, Piran Digital and Web design City Companies in Sydney Gubbi et al. (2013. P. 1652). Other factors may include changes in the management, employment of qualified staff and physical assets, machines and equipment available for the company to work efficiently. Management Plan Elcom Company has a sound master plan comprising qualified management staff. Moreover, it has elconCMS experts who provide upgrading and installation support (Leitch, and Warren, 2015. P. 90.) The company has adequate monitoring preventing controllable disasters, backups, security and compliances such as the PCI and HIPAA. The above activities ensure a perpetual succession of the company because the management is well equipped and structured to prevent the collapse of the business. Marketing Plan The Elcom managers are working hard by the use of marketing technology integration to put up advertisement campaigns especially on the internet for marketing purposes. They use video advertising, multi, and cross-channel marketing as well as paying researchers to collect data for the organization. The CRM software enables this company to manage customer data, merge business, administration and marketing processes which make it easy to navigate inherent challenges associated with web management. However, there are external factors which create a barrier towards marketing activities of the organization. External Factors Affecting Marketing Physical factors: The people living outside cities may not be in a position to know the services offered by the company probably due to slow internet speed. For instance, areas like Monaro region of the New South Wales. This increases costs for Elcom Company to advertise through other media apart from video streaming on the internet. It may be forced to use billboards, TV broadcasting and posters which raise the cost of promotion. Economic factors: Marketing may be influenced by changes in different rates, interest rates and income of the consumers. Economic factors are not fixed in Australia. This makes it difficult to predict and adjust to the fluctuating economy. For example, forecasting consumer spending pattern may turn out to give wrong results. Similarly, the government, through its central bank may participate in influencing the economy, for example, through altering exchange rate and currency valuation to give the required GDP and GNP. Socio-cultural factors: People have different beliefs, tastes, preferences and interests. Due to the existence of other competing services such as the Web Coverage Services (WCS) and Web Map Services (WMS), some people may prefer them unlike those offered by the Elcom Company. This may be due to social standards and class, time, and available resources. These factors may lead to increased cost of marketing to convince the public to purchase the companys services. Technological factors: Are the most favorable for Elcom Company because it is a technology service provider. It uses elcomCMS to perform different tasks on the internet, for example, to provide advertising video streaming on web pages. This forms a suitable medium for conveying information to the users. It generates a very effective method due to flexibility and expertise of the web designers. Financial Plan Elcom has an excellent source of capital arising from the subscribers of the company software such as the elcomCMS for web management. It also gets finance through the installation of intranet to different organizations. However, the biggest issue facing the company is high expenditure on some aspects. For example, advertising, acquisition of assets and general expenses. Current External Trends Affecting Elcoms Financial Plan Ever-changing technology: Since Elcom is a technology service providing company, it has to incur costs in trying to acquire machines and related equipment to keep up with the latest technology. It has to purchase new computers, network routers and update its software to the current versions. Although the process will provide better results, the cost of upgrading is relatively higher. Globalization: Due to the emergence of companies going international, Elcom Technology Company has diversified to the USA where it has a subsidiary branch in San Francisco. This process is likely to generate revenue for the company. However, there may be stiff competition from Tenddo Inc. and Yeti LLC which provides the same services as Elcom (Lee, Hancock, and Hu, 2014.P.90.) The competition may cause fewer customers for the company making it generate possible losses. It, therefore, has to spend much capital on advertising and making the business popular with the Americans to gain clients. If the subsidiary company makes losses, the expenses are incurred to the headquarter company. Unstable Economy: The fluctuation of inflation and interest rates is causing a challenge for the Elcom Company. This occurs because the company does not only deal with Australians, but it also sells its services to the outside world. This means it is transacting trade between different economies with different rates. It may end up spending more due to various legal formalities signed, and during the conversion of currency especially when the foreign country is experiencing inflation. If the economy were stable, the company would not spend such costs saving on its funds. E-commerce: Einav et al. (2014. P.492) defines it as carrying out transactions electronically using the internet. This technology assists Elcom to save time, expand its sale of goods instantly after making a deal with the clients and efficient procurement. However, it causes the company to spend many funds on ensuring that it has employed vendors to bid for the business. Secondly, it has to make sure that there are no fraud or security issues which may lead to loss of their software. E-commerce provides the buyer with numerous sellers. Therefore, the company has to give an attractive deal, for example, giving a discount or lowering prices to capture the attention of the buyers. Such activities decrease the overall revenue of the company causing a financial challenge. International cybercrime: This act is commonly known as hacking. An individual illegally performs an internet-mediated activity in worldwide electronic networks for his or her personal gain. Since Elcom deals with web content management as well as the sale of intranet software, an IT individual may carry out cyber-crime activity and get the companys software free. The hacker may then sell the programs cheaply distorting the market for Elcom Company. The Company, therefore, spends additional capital to prevent leaking and illegal acquisition of their programs to unauthorized persons. More funds are devoted to upgrading to the latest Internet security because as the technology level rises, the higher the chances of cybercrime. Conclusion A business plan is quite essential for an organization because it provides forecasts on sales, marketing, products and financial matters. This paper concludes by offering some of the merits and demerits that the business plan can have for the company. Pros: Attracting Investors: A well-structured business plan will present a good impression on investors who may turn out to be interested in the organization. They will see how much the company has done and what it aspires to do. They will, therefore, participate in providing finance and other inputs for the enterprise to achieve its set objectives which will yield them dividends from their investments. Clarification: It clarifies the mission and vision statement making the employees and the management to work towards achieving it. The managers set objectives and put all necessary measures to see them completed. Otherwise were it not for a business plan, workers would just work to earn wages and salaries without caring for the welfare of the organization. Supporting growth and Development: It aims at providing newer opportunities for the team which makes it grow and develop. The process ensures continuity of the organization which motivates the employees about future job security, and the management is happy about the successful achievement of their plans. Management of Cash Flows: The program shows various ways through which the organization obtains cash from its operating activities and its investments. It also shows how the funds are used, for example, to finance numerous areas to set up more investments. The Medium of Communication: It passes information to various stakeholders describing what the management is intending to do within a given period in future. It serves as a better medium since it keeps a record, and is sent to the concerned group of individuals only. If the plans were announced verbally, it would be too public, and the stakeholders may not capture all information published on the business plan. Strategy for an Exit: At times, an organization reaches the final point in the corporate production stage which is harvest or exit. The business, therefore, will need to prepare a business plan to show its preferred method of exit, for example, going public (Initial public offering), being acquired by the competitors, merging, management buy-outs, family successions, and complete winding up. Cons: Time-consuming: Developing a business plan takes too long since the management has to prepare numerous meetings to discuss the issue. Discouragements: In case the company is drafting a business plan for exiting from the industry, the employees morale will be lowered, and its performance may begin to decline. Uncertainty: Making the plan does not mean the organization will achieve what it plans. It does not give any assure the firm for the success. However, this mainly happens when the management has prepared weak plans which may fail to work or result in insignificant contribution. Recommendation An organization is advised to prepare well-structured business plans for handling strategic plans. They should be well discussed and implemented before they are put into action. Similarly, Elcon Technology should ensure the adoption of all the strategies discussed throughout the business plan. References Betts, K., 2014. The ageing of the Australian population: triumph or disaster? Boons, F. and Ldeke-Freund, F., 2013. Business models for sustainable innovation: state-of-the-art and steps towards a research agenda. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, pp.9-19. Dermol, V., 2012. Relationship between mission statement and company performance. Annals of the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University-Economics, 59(1), pp.321-336. Einav, L., Levin, J., Popov, I. and Sundaresan, N., 2014. Growth, adoption, and use of mobile E-commerce. The American economic review, 104(5), pp.489-494. Gubbi, J., Buyya, R., Marusic, S. and Palaniswami, M., 2013. Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(7), pp.1645-1660. Lee, J.H., Hancock, M.G. and Hu, M.C., 2014. Towards an effective framework for building smart cities: Lessons from Seoul and San Francisco. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 89, pp.80-99. Leitch, S. and Warren, M., 2015. Applying classification controls to Internet content in Australia. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 13(2), pp.82-97. Ramakrishnan, T., Jones, M.C. and Sidorova, A., 2012. Factors influencing business intelligence (BI) data collection strategies: An empirical investigation. Decision Support Systems, 52(2), pp.486-496. Simn-Moya, V. and Revuelto-Taboada, L., 2016. Revising the predictive capability of business plan quality for new firm survival using qualitative comparative analysis. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), pp.1351-1356.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Team Building Activity
The team building activity under discussion was tailored to integrate a synergetic model in enhancing communication between the patient and health care professional in the provision of healthcare services to the patient. The team building activity involved identifying the rationale to establish the team and the consequent benefits of effective teamwork.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Team Building Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The team building activity was completed by creating a compensation plan that integrated the aspect of teamwork as a critical component, a strategy supported in the arguments of (Grazier, 1998) and (Prebble Frederick, 2007). The main objective of the team building activity was to enhance and improve communication between healthcare service providers and the patients to better understand patient needs to improve service delivery as a team synergetic benefit. The aim was to impr ove the effectiveness of team participants, strategically aiming at achieving the spelt down objective, ensuring that strengths of team members were effectively used to overcome members’ weaknesses, and ensure that all team members contributed to the laid down team building plan (Prebble Frederick, 2007). The participants, who were healthcare professionals, were formed into groups of four members in each of the three groups forming the team. The team members consisted of health care professional from different categories. These categories included physicians, nurses, administrators, and doctors, among other members in the profession. The team building activity included identifying the purpose of the team, the needs of the team, composition of team members, the time the team was likely to last, and the benefits to the designate individuals to be affected by the team members, specifically the patient. In the hypothetical groups, each of the members was given a piece of paper t o write a personal evaluation of self and the problems encountered in communicating with patients. Then each of the papers describing self was mixed together from the number of groups that were formed. Each of the team members could then be rotated and other team members could evaluate the other group on their effectiveness in communicating with the patients. The process went on until all the groups were fully involved in evaluating the other group members.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More At the completion stage, all team members could identify critical communicating element and each member’s weaknesses and suggest the possible solutions to the communication problem faced (Prebble Frederick, 2007). Why it would be Effective The team was projected to be effective due to a number of components critically defining it. Each of the team members could address the technical healthcare needs of patients through an improved communication plan. To address the human needs of patients, improved interpersonal relationships between healthcare professional and the patients could also be achieved (Crother-Laurin, 2006). Crother-Laurin (2006) argues that to ensure that the team is effective in the fulfillment of its objective, team members were required to balance their technical and human interaction skills, while inculcating the element of fellowship in each of the team members. Each of the team members was required to be the team steward and be loyal, besides each member being responsible for personal decision making and motivate each of the members. To sustain motivation, members could embrace a learning environment to cultivate newly acquired skills and other skills improvement opportunities. That could be catalyzed by good leadership approaches by employing good leadership skills (Crother-Laurin, 2006). The leadership could provide stimulus for team membe rs to be self actualized through a typical compensation plan. Therefore, a complete understanding of the team members could understand and endeavor to improve their productivity (Miller, 2008). References Crother-Laurin, C. (2006). Effective Teams: A Symptom of Healthy Leadership. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 29(3), 4. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Team Building Activity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Grazier, P. (1998). Team Motivation. Web. Miller, B. (2008). Quick activities to improve your team. The Journal for Quality and Participation, 31(2), 19-20. Web. Prebble, D., Frederick, H. (2007). 10 Ways to distinguish between a team and a group. Web. This essay on Team Building Activity was written and submitted by user Xavi Ball to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Ethical dilemma of psychologist
Ethical dilemma of psychologist Abstract The issue of ethics is paramount in counseling practice whereby practitioners are required to carry out their different therapeutic roles within specified Codes of Ethics. Ethics within practice has become important especially in guiding the practitioners on the appropriate ways of making sound decisions in their daily therapeutic roles. In principle the Code of Ethics, usually function to prevent the practitioners from indulging in malpractices that may harm the client or the entire profession as whole.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ethical dilemma of psychologist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ethics and ethical dilemma are two concepts that have for a long time influenced the professional conduct of counseling therapists. Sometimes conflict has occurred between the two concepts especially when dealing with particular sensitive cases. For instances ethics may require the practitioner to act in one way but as a result of particular experience applying such ethical requirements become problematic thereby necessitating the need for ethical sensitivity. In general, counseling therapists in going about their daily professional work are challenged to deal with questions that do not always have obvious answers and they become forced to assume responsibility of deciding how to act in ways that will put the interests of the clients above anything else. There exist a number of different models that guide counseling therapists into making sound ethical decisions when faced with ethical dilemmas. The issue of ethical dilemmas in counseling therapy is and will continue to be live as practitioners face new and dynamic challenges everyday, a situation that is further compounded by creation of new laws that practitioners have to work within and respect. Therefore, it is always necessary for practitioners to identify the best and most appropriate sources of which they can utilize solve o r manage the issue of ethical dilemma. Ethical dilemma of psychologist ‘What do I do?’ This is the introductory sentence in Kenneth S. Pope and Melba J. Vasquez’s book titled ‘Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide’. According to the authors, counseling therapists and the larger body of psychologists are confronted with pertinent questions or dilemmas that sometimes leave them ‘deficiency’ of solutions or way out. The authors’ observation is that, in everyday of psychologists’ lives, there exist situations that will results into dilemma. The authors identify aspects such as telling truth or lie when such instances may compromise the therapist’s benefit, revealing client’s confidential report even when such decision may harm clients and other people. This is in addition to reporting fellow colleagues due to their misconduct even when such colleagues hold higher positions or are critical in th e professional progress of the therapists’ or going against the administration requirement to do what one believes will compromise the ethics of the profession (Pope and Vasquez, 2010). All these constitute situations that psychologist have to face in their daily activities and practice.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Pope and Vasquez (2010) assert that carrying out psychotherapy confronts the professionals with constant dilemmas, and whether each dilemma is small or large, delicate or blaring, brings a tangle of questions (Pope and Vasquez, 2010). The basic question that majority of psychotherapists will ask is whether there is something right that can be done and if such thing exist how can it be executed (Pope and Vasquez, 2010). In general therapists will ask, â€Å"is there a right thing to do, if so, how do I find out what it is, what makes it right, who says so, if I do it, what will happen to the patient, to me, to innocent and not-so-innocent bystanders?†(Pope and Vasquez, 2010, p.1). Psychotherapists have to deal with hard questions that are personal and hard to make an admission to themselves or others. When this happens, the therapist will ask questions such as â€Å"What am I tempted to do, what could I get away with, would doing the right thing cost too much, get people mad at me, get me sued, get me fired, would doing the wrong thing be all that bad, especially if no one found out about it? What if I’m not strong enough, not good enough to do the right thing, and can I duck this one and palm it off on someone else?†(Pope and Vasquez, 2010, p.1). According to the authors, these pertinent questions generally lead therapists back to the basic question of ‘what do I do now? One avenue that majority of therapists have utilized in addressing the above questions has been adherence to ethics. For in stance, Pope and Vasquez (2010) note that ethics provides help to therapists in answering the pertinent questions they face. Through ethical awareness, psychotherapists are able to perceive in clear ways how their various choices are able to implicate and impact the lives of their clients, their fellow professional colleagues, and the public at large. According to the authors, ethical awareness, â€Å"frees professionals from the confining webs of habit, fatigue, fallacy, dogma, carelessness, hurry and daily pressures while at the same time enable psychologists to see new possibilities, respond in new ways, and act with greater understanding†(Pope and Vasquez, 2010, p.2). Therefore, ethical awareness should be perceived as continuous, active process that involves constant questioning and personal responsibility. Confidentiality is an ethical aspect that for sometime has characterized the psychology profession by guiding the psychotherapists in many situations. In its sense, confidentiality refers to the legal duty therapists have where as part of therapy psychologist are not supposed to disclose information about their clients (Corey, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Ethical dilemma of psychologist specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The country has enacted laws that form part of psychotherapist-client privilege where the laws requires that disclosure clients make during the therapy process should be protected from exposure and that such disclosure need to be perceived and regarded as confidential (Corey, 2009). The importance of confidentiality in psychology is critical and paramount, an aspect every psychologist needs to observe. It constitutes an aspect that is central and vital to development of trusting and productive client-therapist relationship since the general conviction among the professionals is that no genuine therapy can take place or be conducted unless the c lients have that assurance that the information and revelations they make to the therapist will be accorded uttermost privacy and kept confidential. Although this aspect has become a considerate to many therapists, the general understanding is that though confidentiality should be valued, it cannot be considered an absolute (Corey, 2009). Specific situations will force or will require the therapist to divulge the confidential information of a client and in such circumstances; the therapists will be guided by appropriate law that is there (Corey, 2009). Nevertheless, in determining when to breach confidentiality, recommendations have been that the therapists should be guided by the requirements of the law, institutions in which their services are being utilized, and the kind of clients they are provided services for (Corey, 2009). Certain situations are permitted by the law for therapist to make disclosure of client information hence breaching the aspect of confidentiality. Such inst ances include when the therapist has evidence and he is convinced that his or her client is aged less than 16 years and is a victim of incest, rape, child abuse or any other related crime. In addition, when the therapist is convinced that the particular situation the client is in, requires hospitalization, when the client information is key requirement in court for appropriate action, and lastly, when the clients request that their records be released to them or to a third party (Corey, 2009). However, in all these, the paramount obligation of the psychotherapy is to ensure there is adequate protection of client disclosure to ensure a healthy and productive therapeutic relationship exists. Ethical dilemma in working with high school adolescents Ethical dilemma: Revealing underage/adolescents confidential information to their parents or relevant authorities while therapeutic process is underway constitutes an ethical dilemma to modern therapists. Most underage/adolescent students eng age in risky behaviors that intervention from parents and guardians is needed.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The under-age students may seek the help of a therapist when still under heavy influence of and addiction to the risk behaviors. The question that arises is whether the therapist should disclose the confidential information given by the underage client to parents or school administration for intervention. In actual circumstances, psychotherapists are normally confronted with wide range of ethical challenges where no clear solution is apparent especially when working with high school adolescents engaged in risky behaviors (Goforth and Hayter, 2010). As a starting point, it should be noted that almost all ethical challenging situations are vague and making an appropriate and satisfying decision may not be easy. Adolescence is a period that has been described to be ‘stressful’ to young people, as majority of them becomes victims of ruined lives as a result of wrong decisions or choices. Adolescents take part in multiple risk health behaviors, which cause their lives to hav e negative impact. For example, adolescents have in most instances entered into conflicts with their parents, teachers, guardians, and society in their attempt to create and develop their own identity, opinions, and values (Miller, 1989 cited in Rolison and Scheman, 2002). When freedom is presented to them to utilize or make decisions, adolescents have greatly become ‘victims’ of negative and costly wrong decisions. Trends that have been studied by majority of researchers show that adolescents’ risky behaviors are increasingly becoming a problem, which at the same time may have negative future consequences to the young people (DiClemente, Hansen and Ponton, 1996). For instance, studied show that the high percentage of adolescents start using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at an early age (DiClemente, Hansen and Ponton, 1996). At the same time, high percentage of adolescents from disadvantaged socio-economic homes are likely to engage in risky health behaviors a t an early age (DiClemente, Hansen and Ponton, 1996). On overall, majority of adolescents are venerable to experiment and initiate risk behaviors that in essence have deleterious consequences during the adolescence stage (DiClemente, Hansen and Ponton, 1996). At the same time, these risky behaviors have resulted into deadly consequences for the adolescents. For example, drinking excessively and driving has resulted into accidents, smoking has led to development of cancer, and unprotected sex has led to unwanted pregnancies and contract of deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS, and STIs (Worren and Danner, 1989 cited in Rolison and Scheman, 2002). Providing psychotherapy to adolescents engaged in risk behavior has been one of the roles psychologists have been playing especially in schools. Many schools seek services of psychologists to respond to psychopath behaviors that majority of students may be engaged in. It is at this stage of providing therapy that ethical dilemma engulfs the ther apists. For Instance, carrying out students’ assessment, the student in this case a client of the therapist may disclose to the therapist that he or she has been frequently using drugs and tobacco while at the same time, engaging in unprotected sex activities (Goforth and Hayter, 2010). The situation becomes unusual to the therapist as to whether such revelation or disclosure should be made known to the parents of the student or the school administration of the student. Further, the law and ethical guidelines postulate clearly that the parents or guardians of under-age adolescents engaging in sex should be informed (Goforth and Hayter, 2010). The ethical dilemma for the therapist in this case is whether to obey the law and ethical requirements which in turn may ruin the counseling or therapeutic process with the client, or continue with therapeutic counseling for the client and provide necessary help that might lead to change of these behavior. Observation in such a case is t hat divulging the confidential information of the client to parents or school administration in the process of therapy might affect the therapy process negatively. Therefore, it is from this concern that majority of psychologists finding themselves in such situations are advised to keep the client’s information confidential as this would help to maintain a good relationship with the client that may lead to change of behavior (Goforth and Hayter, 2010). Nevertheless, the therapists are advised to constantly monitor the behavior of the adolescents to ensure there is progress in the change of behavior. Ethical decision-making process The above outlined case, which present ethical dilemma to therapists, can be handled appropriately through an effective ethical decision-making process that leads to sound or ‘wise’ decisions on the part of the therapist. One interesting aspect with ethical decision-making process is that, sometimes the process may occur very first lead ing to an easy resolution of any particular ethical issue (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). This happens when the particular being resolved has clear-cut guidelines or standards and no conflict of principles exists (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). On the other hand, other ethical issues particularly those that exhibit conflict between ethical principles may have no quick resolution, in some instances might be emotionally distressful, and might require time-consuming deliberation (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). Ethical decision-making process should take place within the broad spectrum of ethical principles that guide the counseling and therapy process. In sense, therapy or counseling process operates within four main principles: respect for the dignity of persons, where this is the paramount principle and it should be given highest weight except in circumstances in which there is a clear and inevitable danger to the physical safety of any person (Can adian Psychological Association, 2000). The second principle has to do with responsible caring which constitute a principle that requires competence while carrying out therapy and the process should be conducted in ways that give respect and dignity to the person (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). Third principle has to do with integrity in relationships where the principle requires therapists to have utmost integrity while conducting therapy. Lastly, there is the principle of responsibility to society, where the general view is that this principle should be given lowest weight when a conflict exist though societal responsibility needs to be considered in every ethical decision (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). In general, there are ten steps in which ethical decision-making takes place. Identifying individuals and groups affected by the decision In the context of the above case, individuals involved in therapeutic process constitute high school teenagers at risk by engaging in risky health behaviors such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, and excessive drinking. Further, other affected groups include teenagers’ parents, guardians, and school community. Identifying relevant ethical issues and practices In adolescents’ therapeutic process, ethical issue involved is the confidentiality of the information and revelation adolescents make to the therapists. It is necessary for the therapist to establish productive and meaningful relationship with the client and therefore it would be of great help if the therapist kept the teenagers revelation confidential while at the same time continue with therapy while monitoring the teenagers progress. Breach of this step can only be realized in circumstances the adolescents’ risky behavior gravitates and accelerate at a rate that the therapist perceives intervention of parents, guardians and other stakeholders will be of benefit (Canadian Psychological Association, 2000). Consideration of p ersonal biases, stresses and self-interest It is important for the therapist to consider his or her personal factors that might lead into bias while the therapy process is going on. In some stressful events and circumstances, the therapist may be biased, stressed and self-interest may be overpowering when certain revelations are made by the client. In such instances, the therapist is supposed to be guided by the Code of Ethics and other relevant codes that might elaborate on the relationship that needs to be established with the client. In situations that are beyond the therapist intervention, he or she is advised to seek professional help and guidance from fellow colleagues and other relevant authorities. Developing alternative course of action In general, therapist especially those providing help to teenagers involved in risk behaviors should have numerous interventional strategies to employ in order to see that meaningful help of therapy is provided to the affected clients. The p rocess might be tedious and stressing especially teenagers revealing their secrets and what they might consider personal to them. In such circumstances, the therapist is supposed to explore the possibilities of adopting and utilizing different available alternatives in order to ensure appropriate therapy is administered to the client. Analysis of short-term, ongoing and long-term risks and benefits While taking part in the therapeutic process the therapist need to assess possible risks and benefits any particular course of action will incur to the client, to the client’s family, school, or society at all. As explained in the principles of therapeutic process, the client’s needs should outweigh all other needs though not dominate. Therefore, both short-term and long-term effects of each adopted course of action should be evaluated and the likely impact to the client, the therapist and family, and the school. Choice of course of action after application of principles Aft er the therapists are convinced that principles of the profession and therapeutic process have adequately been applied, they are supposed to turn attention to devising the course of action to take in order to realize benefits to the client and all those concerned. Adolescents’ engaged in risky behaviors in general will require interventional programs to help them recover or stop the particular actions they are engaged in. Therefore, the therapist should come up with appropriate and meaningful course of action to implement. Assuming responsibility for consequences of the implemented actions Generally, the course of actions a therapist undertake to pursue and implement with aim of realizing meaningful therapeutic procedure and results always aim at bringing about positive results for the clients. The aim is not to aggravate the problem any further but to provide adequate and sustainable help to the client by adopting particular course of actions perceived to be correct. Any par ticular course of actions undertaken, the therapist should be ready to take full responsibility. Evaluation of the results of the course of action The therapist should be in a position to carry out assessment and evaluation of the course of actions undertaken and pursued and where possible intervene where necessary. Evaluation will help the therapy to assess and monitor the success or failure of any particular intervention or course of actions pursued. Re-engaging in the decision-making process for unresolved issues As part of assuming responsibility for consequences of action, the therapy should be ready to correct the negative consequences that may result from particular course of actions. Such correction initiatives require the therapy to re-engage in the decision-making process in order to resolve the issue. Appropriate actions to prevent occurrence of the ethical dilemma The therapist needs to undertake necessary and appropriate actions to prevent future occurrences of the spec ific dilemma. Such appropriate actions can include adopting necessary communication mechanisms and problem solving techniques with colleagues. All the therapist can front for changes in procedures and practices that he or she perceive to be inappropriate or hindrance to the therapeutic process. Conclusion The issue of ethical dilemma for therapists is real in psychology profession. There have been attempts to address this aspect through numerous and different ethical codes which have and continue to play important roles in resolving the dilemma. Nevertheless, what is required for therapist especially those working with adolescents is to operate within the precepts of the code of ethics while at the same time seeking professional guidance where necessary. In addition, the therapists should embrace continuous training and workshops as this will lead to their professional growth while impacting necessary skills to deal with in challenging circumstances that result in ethical dilemmas. References Canadian Psychological Association. (2000). Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists. Ontario: CPA Publishing. Retrieved from https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=vq=cache:v07eeiUDShEJ:www.cpa.ca/cpasite/userfiles/Documents/Canadian%2520Code%2520of%2520Ethics%2520for%2520Psycho.pdf+Canadian+Psychological+Code+of+Ethics+for+Psychologists+ethical+decision+making+processhl=engl=kepid=blsrcid=ADGEESi16YngDV-3wX26RiYx-gZHL_BkO9QuMRv5eJnrq7rXge3o7BPsG9BM9JuwFgctQhagLazNB7r0Mgylh82Iq0JNtHRRqlGZLGWmPJCqOsPua2YcApN2syFLbodlR1atPlszzWJXsig=AHIEtbTKb9WOgae8gU4N1g3ro8yZ0Uyovw. Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. OH; Cengage Learning. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=eg4Tev903YwCpg=PA42dq=Ethics+in+psychotherapy+and+counseling:+A+practical+guidehl=enei=Ih84TYUQyJY66K_ZxAssa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=2ved=0CCkQ6AEwAQ#v=onepageq=Ethics%20in%20psychotherapy%20and%20counseling%3A%20A%20practical%20guidef=false DiClemente, R. J., Hansen, W. B. and Ponton, L. E. (1996). Handbook of adolescent health risk behavior. NY: Springer. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=DoSU8Xo_ahQCpg=PA2dq=adolescents+risky+behaviorshl=enei=wao4TZDlDY6MswbjzMXzBgsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=1ved=0CCMQ6AEwAA#v=onepageq=adolescents%20risky%20behaviorsf=false. Goforth, A. N. and Hayter, C. A. (2010). Ethical Dilemmas during training: Students’ Perspective. National Association School Psychologists, Vol. 38, No. 7. Retrieved from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=12did=2038869751SrchMode=1sid=1Fmt=3VInst=PRODVType=PQDRQT=309VName=PQDTS=1295542939clientId=29440. Pope, K. S. and Vasquez, M. J. (2010). Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide. MA: John Wiley and Sons. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=xsGzy_JvzyACprintsec=frontcoverdq=Ethics+in+psychotherapy+and+counseling:+A+practical+guidehl=enei=dRk4Tae5FMLqOYvfne0Ksa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=1ved=0CCMQ6AEwAA#v=onepageqf=false. Rolison, M. R. and Scheman, A. (2002). Factors influencing adolescents’ decisions to engage in risk-taking behavior. Health Publications. Retrieved from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m2248/is_147_37/ai_94598394/.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The obsession of medical science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The obsession of medical science - Essay Example We have an obsession with scientific methods and we sometimes try to overcomplicate certain issues and pregnancies are one of these issues. This perception is ill founded and in this essay arguments will be given as to why midwives can be more helpful than Obstetricians in the American maternity health care system. What is the difference between Obstetricians and Midwives? An obstetrician is a person who is a medical expert in child births and labor issues. These are people who have taken formal professional education of medical science and have knowledge of surgery. Midwives on the other hand are only equipped with handling low risk pregnancies. Midwives deals with the process of child birth and aim at natural process of child birth. A midwife is generally expected to complete a few courses on pregnancy and child birth but they cannot treat child illnesses. The specifically deal with child birth and pregnancies. There is a difference in the child birth philosophy of midwives and obs tetricians. Midwives consider child birth as a natural process and they have a natural perspective on pregnancies. Obstetricians have a medical perspective and view child birth as a medical risk. Pros and Cons of Obstetricians The major benefit of obstetricians is that they receive formal professional education with regards to child birth and labor procedure. They are medical expert and are aware of the functions of other body parts. They have in-depth knowledge about the human body therefore they can perform complex child births. Obstetricians can also perform surgical procedures like a cesarean which midwives cannot. High risk pregnancies can be handled by an obstetrician and not a midwife. Sometimes the mother has heart problem or diabetes so such child births are better taken care of by obstetricians. The most significant disadvantage of obstetricians is that they have a medical science perspective that views child birth as a risk and not a natural process. Therefore they are mo re inclined to use surgical procedures when there is no need of it. There is also a shortage of obstetricians therefore they are not able to focus on one pregnancy and this can sometimes lead to complications. Marsden Wagner says â€Å"In USA obstetrician plates are full to overflowing†(pp.6). They are so busy that they find it hard to concentrate on a particular case. In this regard a midwife does better as she spends more time with the mother. Pros and Cons of Midwives Midwives provide services that are monetarily affordable by people. They charge far lesser than an obstetrician for their services and this makes them more attractive to gynecologists. The medical philosophy of midwives allows them to view child birth as a natural process and not as a medical risk. This allows them to think differently from obstetricians and they can rely on natural methods. They also give considerable time to their patients so this allows them to understand the patient in a better way. Midw ives can perform child births in homes. This is an added advantage as valuable time is not lost in bringing the patient to the hospital. The lack of medical knowledge serves as a disadvantage for midwives. Any complication during a child birth cannot be solved by midwives. They are also oblivious to the current trend of medicine and in case of an
Monday, February 3, 2020
How smoking affect relationships in work or in home positivley r Essay
How smoking affect relationships in work or in home positivley r negatively - Essay Example This involves all sorts of activities including smoking. This is true whether only one person smokes or both do†(Relationships and Smoking). The above fact is true in the case of relationships of the smoker with his friends and co-workers at workplace. Smokers like the company of smokers and non-smokers don’t like the company of smokers. Non-smoking female often like to have the company of non-smoking males and they select non-smokers for their dating activities. On the other hand smoking females may not have such preferences. At workplaces also the smokers like to work with smokers whereas nonsmokers always try to avoid the company of smokers. The smoke produced by the smokers is spreading all over around the smokers which forces even the nonsmokers to breathe such malicious air. Nobody wants to put their health in jeopardy because of other’s activities. In short, smoking affects the relationships negatively, in family workplace and in society as
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Cogeneration And Trigeneration Methods Engineering Essay
Cogeneration And Trigeneration Methods Engineering Essay Cogeneration and trigeneration are methods used for producing more than one useful form of energy from only one energy source. These two methods in todays world are very important because efficiency, fuel prices and emissions are a great a concern. Both methods give the opportunity to increase efficiency drastically up to 60% to 80% which is much more than the conventional power plant which has an efficiency of about 30%. [1] The 60% to 80% efficiencies that both methods present have a great effect on cost savings, reduced air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, increased power reliability and quality, reduced grid congestion and avoided distribution losses. [2] All these factors mentioned, as discussed before are all important and cogeneration and trigeneration help achieve this. Both systems are normally combined but I will explain both cogeneration and trigeneration separately and then give examples were these systems are used in real life. Cogeneration Cogeneration is also known as combined heat and power (CHP). Plants using a cogeneration system use the exhaust of for example a reciprocating engine to heat the premises. This means that instead of throwing away the exhaust, it is being reused but this time as heat energy. This is done by using a heat exchanger to transfer heat from the exhaust gas to process heat. Cogeneration produces a given amount of electric power and process heat with 10% to 30% less fuel than it takes to produce the electricity and process heat separately. [3] Cogeneration Combined Heat and Power Figure 1: Cogeneration diesel engine generator plant [4] Figure 1 above shows a diesel engine driving a generator. Fuel in the form of natural gas, bio gas or bio diesel is used to run the engine. The engine is coupled to a generator which produces electricity. The plant above shows two heat exchangers, one for cooling the engine and raising the used cold water coming from process heat and the other is an exhaust gas heat exchanger only to raise again the temperature of the water for process heat. The water cooling the engine which is normally at around 90oC enters the heat exchanger (bottom one) which by heat transfers and the second law of thermodynamics is cooled but the cold waters temperature is raised. In the exhaust gas heat exchanger the temperature of the water already heated in the bottom heat exchanger is heated again and sent for process heat. A simple example is, imagine a hotel having a generator to produce electricity and at the moment its full of guests and the ambient temperature outside is around 2oC below zero. This means that the central heating needs to be running constantly to keep the guests in a comfortable environment. Therefore a lot of fuel is being used to heat up the boilers to produce steam for central heating. Imagine the hotel employs the plant shown in figure 1. No fuel will be used for heating because the fuel used to run the engine is also being used (indirectly) for process heat. There exist two main types of cogeneration techniques which are topping cycle and bottoming cycle plants. Topping cycle cogeneration plant Topping cycle plants generate electricity or mechanical power first. Some facilities may generate the electricity for themselves only and some may even sell any power that is not being used. There exist four types of topping cycle cogeneration plants. Combined cycle topping system The first type burns fuel in a gas turbine as shown in figure 2 or diesel engine to produce electrical or mechanical power. Process heat, or steam that then drives the secondary steam turbine is produced by the exhaust entering a heat recovery boiler. [5] Figure 2: Combined cycle topping system [6] Steam turbine topping system The second type of system burns fuel which can be any type to produce high-pressure steam that then passes through a steam turbine to produce power. The exhaust provides low-pressure process steam as shown in figure 3. [7] Figure 3: Steam turbine topping system [8] Heat recovery topping system This type burns a fuel such as natural gas, diesel etc. The cooling system (engine coolant) goes to a heat recovery boiler, where it is converted to process steam and hot water for space heating. Figure 4: Heat recovery topping system Therefore this type produces electricity, process steam, hot water supply and heating as shown above in figure 4. [9] Gas turbine topping system This type of system uses a natural gas turbine to drive a generator. The exhaust gas goes to a heat recovery boiler that makes process steam and process heat as shown in figure 5. [10] Figure 5: Gas turbine topping system [11] Bottoming cycle plants These type of plants are less common then topping cycle plants. Normally this type of plant is used in heavy industries where high temperature furnaces are used. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqfFYCABsyLMUliig2IamQcifPnd-SyXHYO9P-axGMYETpdxiK1qZnBRukFge0xDEXwI65DChwsgSm9hsJTLHUNhJ21T3Ro6BmcmFTcxKqIOzuzDmeDywx6VlDpKAmpAjetcMT_uzkAxc/s1600/bottoming-cycle-system-cogeneration.jpg Figure 6: Bottoming cycle system [12] After heating the furnace or any manufacturing heating process the waste heat is then passed through a recovery boiler. The waste heat is used to produce heat which then drives a steam turbine to produce electricity. Trigeneration Trigeneration also referred to combined heating, cooling and power (CHCP) is a system where this time three types of energies are produced from one energy source. The difference between cogeneration and trigeneration is that in trigeneration chilled water for air conditioning or process use is produced. This is done by using an absorption or adsorption chiller. Just as a cogeneration power plant captures and makes use of the waste heat, absorption or adsorption chillers capture the waste (or rejected) heat and produce chilled water. [13] Therefore the major advantage over cogeneration is that now if a plant works using trigeneration, hot water, air conditioning (using chilled water) and power generation. Therefore an industry having this system will spend less money due to having a more efficient plant when compared to cogeneration and especially when compared to conventional plants. Adsorption Chiller An adsorption chiller works purely using hot water. It uses the principle of using solid sorption materials such as silica gel and zeolites. http://www.raee.org/climatisationsolaire/graph/new/adsorption_sh.gif Figure 7: Schematic for an adsorption chiller [14] These type of chillers have a strong structure and are easy to install. There are no possibilities of crystallization, corrosion, hazardous leaks, and the electricity consumption is minimal [15] . They are commonly used in a commercial environment. Absorption Chiller An absorption chiller works by using hot water, steam or combustion. The solution used contains water and lithium bromide salt to absorb heat from the surroundings. No refrigerant is used which means no harm is done to the environment. http://www.raee.org/climatisationsolaire/graph/new/absorption.gif Figure 8: Schematic for an absorption chiller [16] Absorption chillers are the most distributed worldwide and they are more efficient. Their lifetime is much longer than adsorption chillers. Moreover they have high maintenance time and low corrosion protection. [17] Say something small about trigenerators and put schematic of plant.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Women in Leadership
Movie Analysis – The Devil Wears Prada PG-13 Starring: Anne Hathaway, Meryl Streep, Stanley Tucci, Emily Blunt 20th Century Fox Directed by: David Frankel Produced by: Wendy Finerman By: Marsha Buehler 1. What are the most obvious leaderships portrayed? Miranda Priestly embraces her role as an authoritarian leader as Editor in Chief at Runway Magazine. She delegates with an expectation of perfection. She has a strong and demanding presence that spreads fear amongst the office personnel. Employees are hopping to please Miranda. Derogatory statements are commonality for Miranda.The core staff has a fearful admiration of Miranda, they respect her obvious knowledge of the business of fashion as well as her well laid out network which enable some aspects of her success. The office atmosphere was chilly. It was obvious that Miranda was not interested in personal relationships; she was strictly business, and did not value relationships. Her staff was up to par regardless of their sit uation or they could find themselves unemployed at any given turn. This was a power that Miranda yielded upon her staff and reaped the benefits of everyone trying to be the perfect employee.Miranda expects Andy to do more than her professional job, she has her buying gifts for her children and walking her dog. The way Miranda throws her coat and handbag on Andy’s desk is demeaning to Andy but Andy is determined to do whatever it takes, believing that if she can st ick it out a year that it will help her career. Andy learns to network and mostly is able to live up to Miranda’s unrealistic expectations. Miranda is controlling – she uses insulting criticisms to control her staff into trying to jump over the moon. Miranda’s opinion is the only one that matters.Miranda puts Andy in the position of telling Emily that she will be going to Paris instead of her. Miranda delegates this unpleasant task to Andy and drives a wedge between Emily and Andy just as they a re developing a better rapport. This creates a divide in the office and of the synergy that Andy and Emily had when they worked together. It seems as if Miranda is trying to justify her cold actions by making Andy make the tough decisions to succeed. Andy revives Emily’s faith in their relationship when she gives her all the clothes from Paris when Miranda decides she doesn’t want Emily to go to Paris.Dragon-lady, career obsessed, Ice queen. – a description that Miranda Priestly uses herself to describe the view the world has of her. Towards the end of the movie when Andy over hears Miranda and her husband arguing, Miranda shows her human side and surprisingly shows some emotion when she confides in Andy about her divorce from her latest husband. After a brief show of her humanity, Miranda jumps back into the role of no nonsense business woman and keeps pushing forward with business even in the wake of heartache and personal drama. umps back into the role of no nonsense business woman and keeps pushing forward with business even in the wake of heartache and personal drama. Emily styles her leadership after Miranda’s authoritarian style. Emily is somewhat condescending and insulting, yet gives Andy some helpful tips and saved her from Miranda’s wrath on occasion, not really as much for Andy’s sake, but for her own – to make herself look better for saving the day as she throws Andy under the bus. Emily is relying on Andy to make her look good because she feels her reputation is on the line.She does on occasion help Andy, but does not show compassion to her. Emily is efficient, but nervous. Emily thanks her when Andy can remember the Ambassadors name when she couldn’t. Nigel is respected and has years of service with Miranda. He helps Andy out with a pair of high heels, already anticipating what would help Andy have the outward appearance that he knows Miranda expects. Nigel calls Andy on her wining and give s a different perspective. He eventually softens his walls and shows some compassion to Andy.Nigel has worked with Miranda for years he has gotten to the point to where he can anticipate her next whim. Nigel gets excited about a job opportunity being a partner with a designer, when the rug is pulled out from under him by Miranda Priestly in a public forum. He realizes this, but stays optimistic while Andy calls him on his statement that Miranda will pay him back at a later time. When she asks if he was sure about that and he answered honestly he didn’t know†¦But this optimistic attitude will help him to move on in a positive way and not let the disappointment and obvious betrayal bring him down.Andy shows passion and is full of drive to succeed, but ignores the politics of the fashion industry until Nigel helps her improve her style. Andy realizes that Nigel can help her improve her style more towards the fashion world’s expectations. Andy embraces fashion and rea lizes the changes it can make in the way she interacts with the world at work and in life in general. Andy is determined to get Harry potter manuscript which she gets through networking in the industry. This shows Miranda that Andy is making big progress and she starts to show some appreciation and a little admiration of Andy.Keeps using excuse – I didn’t have a choice, but eventually she realizes she does have a choice and she makes that choice at the end of the movie and walks away from Miranda. Andy gets the ultimate compliment from Miranda when she is asked for a recommendation on Andy and tells the editor that Andy was her biggest disappointment, and that he is crazy if he doesn’t hire her. Christian – Is charming and turns out to be a great connection who helps Andy out and gives supportive advice, but Andy finds out that he is highly involved in the politics of the fashion world and doesn’t want a part of the betrayal. . Is there a leadershi p theme? Fashion industry seems to worship and still dictate the cold, surface of the political atmosphere†¦There is an authoritarian theme throughout the movie. Driven from the top down, by Miranda Priestly. 3. What aspects of the leader made them successful or unsuccessful? No nonsense, authoritative, knowledge of business, respected by peers and industry experts. Miranda sets the stage for cold, get down to business leadership style and does not waiver.It does keep her staff on their toes and they strive to do everything perfectly for fear of the backlash of insults and the ever present ominous fact that she could fire them at any time. Unsuccessful attributes – insulting, emotionless, dismissive behaviors hurt her relationships with her staff. 4. Which leadership theory stands out to you most? Delegation is the theme in this movie. Everyone delegates down once they realize their place in the political arena. 5. What is your overall assessment of the main leaders? Women in Leadership For the longest time, women have been perceived as weak citizens who can only follow what is demanded of them. They have been called different names, oppressed beyond recognition. However, women have reached the bottom, and are now raising themselves to positions that were not initially designed for them. This is to be affirmed by the different institutions that are campaigning for women leadership today. It was discovered out through their organizational websites that women in leadership do not only refer to female leaders but also to how women leaders help other female individuals in becoming leaders as well. Introduction In the past, women were not allowed to even speak out in society. They were expected to stay at home, to bear children, and to also be ready when her husband is struck with the mood. She was expected to marry as soon as she becomes fertile. She cannot speak out beyond a respectable whisper. Her role is to stand by her husband's side through all he decisions he will make. She is a mere follower. Today, tables have somewhat turned. The women, through the years, were able to raise themselves from the judgmental and patriarchal society. They fought back when she thought that the men were already stepping all over their lives with selfish ideologies, and they succeeded. She surpassed the concept that women can only follow because they cannot think for themselves. She made a leader out of herself. With this in mind, this research paper aims to find how women in leadership are evident through the use of exploring different organizations with this specialization. From their respective organizational websites, their ideas and programs will be discussed, as well as their history. This is to find out the establishment of women in leadership of current times. The primary objective of this strategy is to also help alleviate the different traditional assumptions about women. With the help of the information to be discussed below, the objects and ideologies of women will also be shared. This is to give a sort of clarity to the ongoing question about the role of women in society. The institutions included in this paper are the following: (1) Institute of Women's Leadership, (2) Women in Leadership Foundation, (3) The Center of Women's Leadership at Babson College, and (4) Rutgers' Institute for Women's Leadership. To further emphasize their silent campaigns, established leading women will also be discussed in this paper. All of these are for the formation of a contemporary view of women as leaders. Discussion Institute of Women's Leadership According to their website, the Institute was found 1991 by a woman named Rayona Sharpnack. Their organization is all about delivering leadership programs that will guide individuals about the necessary things to know and do for them to be at their most effective. As part of their objective is to also help in creating change that would last for a very long time. Their ideology about extraordinary leaders lies more on who these individuals are, and how well they are able to harness the wide array of resources present in their environment. Those are the points where they concentrate. As part of their training, they will examine the underlying context of their decisions related to business. This aims to help these individuals in discovering and practicing the idea that when they change the context of how they do business, they are making a breakthrough as well as a whole new exciting reality. The reason behind their choice to change and develop women as leaders lies on their belief that these kinds of changes in organizations will promote the increase of their collaboration, performance, as well as innovation in the organization. It will help the total efficiency, not just of the organization, but also in their respective communities. It will also help these individuals in a personal level. One of their programs is called Women Leading Change. They designed the program to be highly interactive with regards to leadership development. They also included the application of projects that are real-time and real-life. This means that the scenarios used in the programs are highly relevant to their respective situations. Furthermore, to maximize the objectives of the program, the members of this organization made use of coaches who are internationally recognized. The logic behind this is that these individuals have had years of experience, and they will be the best teachers in this field. The alumni community will also be involved in this three-day program. Another program by this institution is called Partners Leading Change. This program, on the other hand, is a co-educational approach. Similar to the previous program, this is also highly interactive as it involves co-ed teams. To sustain more than satisfying results, participants are put under one-on-one coaching. They do not also use hypothetical case studies. They train by always involving the realities in the business world. They are also provided with coaches who are internationally recognized in their respective fields. They will guide their participants through individual and team training for leadership. Furthermore, the participants are exposed to a broad set of alumni, as well as successful professional partners. Women in Leadership Foundation Women in Leadership (WIL) is a non-profit organization that stretches on a national scope. According to their website, they have a dedication towards the advancement of women in attaining leadership roles. They aim to accomplish this through delivering inspirational programs all over Canada. This is in light with their current and succeeding leaders. This year, they are entering their 6th year of providing programs across the major cities of the country. The primary objective, as written in their website, is to promote the women in gaining the leadership role. The second most important objective is to make profiles of the successful women, and use these as role models for their respective fields. As part of their campaign, they will also be the ones who will facilitate the development of these women in becoming leaders. Most importantly, they aim to be able to deliver programs that are innovative. They target connection, information and inspiration. Their website also mentioned that they will support the growth of these women through non-traditional activities. It is important that they are strengthened to raise their potentials in their respective careers at their highest levels. The programs by WIL are designed to expose hopeful women to other women who have been through the same endeavors. With the help of these role models, they are also able to expand a network for the next generation of members. Furthermore, with the help of these partners in the same community, as well as in the industry, they are able to develop a group that will progress through collaboration. Important aspects of the organization will also be given just attention in its development since there members who are more inclined to work because of the design of their institution. With the idea of expansion, programs by this organization are aimed to reach out to the employees of their partners as well. The Center of Women's Leadership at Babson College This organization, on the other hand, has a dedication towards the accomplishment of assisting women through the different stages of their careers. According to their website, they are also after the advantages of in raising the talents and power of women in different organization. The center is about the different executive and educational programs that are aimed to support the different professional development of women being leaders and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, through extensive research, and faculty of experts, the organization claim that they are the best institute designed to help women in their respective professional fields, as well as to help achieve their personal goals. The school made it a point that their female students undergo this center. They have been recognized as the top college for girls. In addition, their MBA program â€Å"Opportunities for Women†was also recognized by Princeton Review. Their programs welcome women and men alike. But their spotlight lies on women in business as entrepreneurs and leaders. This is also a means of changing the face of role models to expand different points of view, as well as aspirations and expectations. Furthermore, they make use of educational events as a means of reaching out to its participants. This is through including successful women, who are entrepreneurs in different companies. Some of these companies are Palm and New Century Brewing Company, as well as Reebok, Aetna, Fidelity, Dell Inc. , and PricewaterhouseCoopers. The institute also has a commitment towards the women who felt the impact of the diversity of demographics and students in the campus. One of their programs, Women’s Leadership Awards, is aimed to offer financial support to selected women students for them to experience an easier enrollment. Today, the institute also has a regular program that is open to the entire campus. A number of 150 students attend panel events, and 535 at their recent annual conference for women’s leadership. From the year 2000, the Center brought more than 250 women executives and entrepreneurs, who are the best in their respective fields, into the school campus. According to their website, they took this as a means of raising the aspirations of the women who attends these programs. It is all about providing different role models closer to their reach. It is also important for the attendees to get close with these role models, to know their lives and stories, as a form of inspiration. The Center also provides the Women’s Leadership Program. This program is called to be co-curricular program as it provides the knowledge and skills in the different opportunities in developing, networking and mentoring opportunities for undergraduate and graduate female students. Their website also mentioned that the career of a woman is not always as good as many assume. Although it was found out that women take almost half of the managerial positions in the US, the problems with gender-based challenges are still high, and it hinders them from progressing further. They recognize the need to understand the different organizational and individual elements of these challenges to find solutions. Through a collaborative deliberation, they do not find the problem that difficult. This is for the empowerment of women in the different aspects in the competitive arena. Rutgers: Institute for Women's Leadership This institute under the State University of New Jersey comprises of six units. Together with its members, the center is at the Douglass College campus. They conduct research, as well as develop and sponsor programs, and other initiative for public service. They are engaged in preparing women of difference ages, races and ethnic backgrounds, for them to play constructive and active roles in the public. The institute is dedicated to examine different issues about leadership and women’s advancement in leadership. They also involve the decisions made in different arenas. This kind of interaction among the participants is a form of encouraging explorations, both scholarly and practical, of how institutions that are formed by race, gender, and ethnicity can be introduced to understanding the concept women’s leadership. According to their website, New Jersey is one of the states ever to have elected a governor who is a woman. On the other hand, despite this fact, their overall record of women electing for public office is relatively low. The state is part of the bottom ten among all the states in relation to the women in its legislature. Their program Ready to Run is an opportunity for the female potential candidates to listen to the elected officials, as well as party officials and campaign consultants on how one should be able to position themselves in the appointed offices. This does not necessarily mean the political offices, but also in their respective organizations. The program is a one-day event. It began in 1998, a joint effort with the Center for American Women and Politics. Another program by the institution is called CLASP, which is a hands-on training for female students. It is a five-week internship with the organization called New Brunswick. They attend three days a week. It also includes a weekly seminar, as well as $500 for the food and transportation expenses. Students will be able to complete 3 course credits upon completing the program. CLASP, according to their website, is a service-based learning program. It offers their female students first hand experiences in an organization local to Central New Jersey. The internship includes activities that are focused on empowering the youth, eduction on art, and prevention of domestic violence. In addition, these activities are also for the promotion of public health and literacy. The students are taught how to address the concerns of the community in regards to their social, economic and political difference. With their weekly commitments, students are given the opportunity to confront issues, like social justice, immigration and poverty. This way, they are guided to reach the idea of undergoing social change. The Women in Leadership Across Time Another website used for this research listed some of the landmarks of history. They aimed to declare to the women of today of who their foremothers are. This is a mere hint of the female rulers who made a big difference in the progress of man. They began with saying that the Egyptians Queens are believed to have begun their reign 3000 BCE. The first of these women was named Ku-baba. She ruled over the Mesopotamian City-State during the 2500 BCE. It was not after the First World War that the women became part of the revolutionary governments in Hungary, Russia, Ukraine and Ireland. Nina Bang was the first female minister elected democratically in a parliamentary government. It was a slow development. According to the website, it was not close to the end of the 20th century that these female ministers ended becoming unusual. The first female President and Prime Minister is named Sirivamo Bandaranaike. It was in 1960 at Sri Lanka where the world's first female elected Prime Minister. In 1974, a woman of Argentina named Isabel Peron became the world's first female president. Today, only two countries remain to not have had a female representative in the government. These countries are Monaco and Saudi Arabia. According to their site, Vatican had a female Assistant Vice-Minister. Sweden, on the other hand, became the first country to have had more female than male minister. Last year, the Finish government comprised of women by 60%. Today, in the United Nations, there are 192 female members, with 2 external independent states. In addition are the a couple of self declared independent states, and self ruling countries. Simultaneously, there are 19 female leaders. In countries of monarchies, Queens rule over 3 countries: United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Denmark. The first is represented by Governor Generals who are also female. There are 6 female presidents across the globe as well. These countries are Philippines, Liberia, Ireland, India, Finland, Chile, and Argentina. Subsequently, there are 7 female Prime Ministers in countries: Germany, Moldavia, New Zealand, Mozambique, Ukraine, Netherlands Antilles, and The Aland Islands Conclusion After all the institutions have been laid out, it is evident from their nature and programs that their pursuit is to raise the women higher from where she already is. They are training these women to target entrepreneurship, and well established positions in businesses. They are teaching the women to reach farther from where they are expected to stand. With the women of broad experiences as their role models and guides, they have cleared a path for them to take. Their goal is to go further, to not stop from raising their aspirations. They are given the opportunities to succeed, and the tools to guide them. The objective of this paper is to find what women and leadership today means, and these institutions helped establish a certain definition. It is all about empowering women, opening their eyes to the reality that women can raise themselves from stereotypes and biases. That, in itself, is leadership. There are unsung women who fought through history, and lead women and men alike in different scenarios. They might be overpowered by the achievements of others. But the idea is not to lift their own names. Women leaders are also inclined to raise their fellow women.
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